2021 Cascadian Convoy
in Events
The Cascadian Convoy long distance race is a qualifying race for the VanIsle 360 International Yacht Race and the Vic Maui International Yacht Race. The event is part of the Vancouver Island Racing Series.
13 Sept 2021
- Registrants needing overnight moorage before and/or after the race can take advantage of a special rate at the Victoria International Marina . They have requested special event permission for under 50′ vessels, and are offering moorage at $1.75/ft per night. When calling to book, advise them that you are competing in the Cascadian Convoy Race. The marina will need to escort you across the harbor upon arrival and departure, so call ahead.
12 Sept 2021
- A revision to the Notice of Race and SERs has been published with changes highlighted in Yellow.
- Our online shop is now open
The Cascadian Convoy is run with the contracted support of EHMYC. EHMYC would like to thank the following Organisations for their assistance: