Try a VX One – WVYC April 30th 2023!
Come and try sailing a VX One at West Vancouver Yacht Club’s Sport Boat Try-It Day, 1-4pm on April 30, the day after the WVYC/VARC Collingwood Channel race.
The VX One is a 19’ sport boat. Sailed by teams of two or three, it is fast and responsive: finding crew to race with is easy. With a large comfortable cockpit, intuitive controls and light line loads, it is popular with intergenerational and female teams. The boat is also well-suited for family day-sailing: it can be towed behind any vehicle and ramp-launched.
The fleet is growing rapidly on the east coast and world-wide, and now building on the west coast. The 2023 West Coast circuit kicked off this spring with its first ever showing at the Sailing World Helly Hansen San Diego regatta.
For more information, see,, and get in touch with if interested.
Jump on a VX One on April 30th!
Photo: WVYC’s Izzy Gillard in San Diego with Kelly Pike.